Naši studenti z EL4A Michal Bartoň, Dominik Komosný a Ondřej Kurz (konzultant), postoupili do druhého kola soutěže Astro Pi, Mission Space Lab. Díky tomu obdržela naše škola dárek přímo z ESA. Model sestavy, která je umístěna na ISS (International Space Station).

Hledáme zájemce o účast v soutěži v roce 2020 - realizace jako maturitní projekt.
Zájemci se mohou hlásit na
Mission Space Lab
Mission Space Lab offers students and young people the chance to have their scientific experiments run on the ISS. Your challenge is to design and program an experiment to be run on an Astro Pi computer. The best experiments will be deployed to the ISS, and your team will have the opportunity to analyse your results and put together a short report about your findings. The ten teams that write the best reports will be selected as the Astro Pi Mission Space Lab winners!
Who can take part?
- Anyone who is 19 years or younger at the time of submission
- In teams of two to six
- Supervised by a teacher or mentor
- Your team needs to be from either a primary or secondary school, Scout group or coding/after school club located in an ESA Member State, Slovenia, Canada or Malta. Certified home schools will also be accepted.
- 50% of your team must be nationals of one of the participating countries mentioned above.You can find a list of ESA Member States here